Happy New Year 2007 !!!!

I spend a lovely week in Stockholm, where we saw fantastic fireworks for New Year's Eve !
I'm just back in Paris, where I should stay most of the year, this time.
So I wish you all a very Happy New Year 2007! May it bring you Health, Happiness, Love, Work, Money and all you can wish for !
Une très Bonne et Heureuse Année 2007 à vous tous! Santé, Bonheur, Réussite, Amour, Travail, Argent et tout ce que vous souhaitez !
Vi auguro a tutti, un Buon e Felice Anno 2007 ! Che vi porta Salute, Felicita, Amore, Lavoro e tutto quello che potete sperare !
Ich wünsche ihnen ein Gutes Neues Jahr 2007 ! Viel Glück, Gesundheit, Arbeit, Liebe...

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