Mea Culpa, mais je suis contente :D

Mea culpa j'ai pas écris depuis plus d'un mois. En plus j'y pense très souvent, je vois des choses tous les jours à Paris qui me donnent envie d'écrire et ensuite le temps passe trop vite et je ne le fais pas. Idem pour la mise à jour des mes photos.
Mais là j'ai craqué, il fallait que j'écrire. I'm so happy. Life has been quite busy again, after some time getting back into motion. I finally found the appartment I wanted in Paris (I have no picture yet), and signed the first papers. I will legally be owner around the end of august/beginning of september... and then works to do, so I won't be celebrating before mid september I guess. But this thing is under way. Workwise is also better. Lots of time lost in little things, but probably trainings to be done, and more to learn. That's always a good point. The Rugby World Cup Broadcasting side seems clearly not ready for September, but that's just my point of view, and as I am not directly concerned I don't really mind :D
Love life is perfect. Happy, happy, happy. Just not enough time and money to do all the things I would like to do on my own or with my boyfriend.
I've also been catching up on seen friends and family. Which is so fullfilling (is that the correct word?). But I still think a 7 days week is not enough. But that can't be changed (I asked...).
Well that was my quick update. I'll really keep you posted and will upload some photos as I'm also doing cleaning up in my computers.
Mais là j'ai craqué, il fallait que j'écrire. I'm so happy. Life has been quite busy again, after some time getting back into motion. I finally found the appartment I wanted in Paris (I have no picture yet), and signed the first papers. I will legally be owner around the end of august/beginning of september... and then works to do, so I won't be celebrating before mid september I guess. But this thing is under way. Workwise is also better. Lots of time lost in little things, but probably trainings to be done, and more to learn. That's always a good point. The Rugby World Cup Broadcasting side seems clearly not ready for September, but that's just my point of view, and as I am not directly concerned I don't really mind :D
Love life is perfect. Happy, happy, happy. Just not enough time and money to do all the things I would like to do on my own or with my boyfriend.
I've also been catching up on seen friends and family. Which is so fullfilling (is that the correct word?). But I still think a 7 days week is not enough. But that can't be changed (I asked...).
Well that was my quick update. I'll really keep you posted and will upload some photos as I'm also doing cleaning up in my computers.
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