A more personal note today

But then now I don't remember what I was gonna write. Actually I don't remember if I wrote what my job is about. I'm kind of a geek, as I'm a software programer. I'm sure I wrote a bit about all that in my Doha writtings, but then, here is more of my day to day life. These days work is really quiet that's why I can write now. I guess more than half the staff has been on holidays the last two weeks or the next 2 weeks. I'm not. I just took 6 days over July-August to make bigger weekends. Well buying my appartment and making the works is kind of using all my money so none to take big holidays... Well, I was writing about work , no ? so I write programs for my company to be used internally. Well mainly concerning logistics. It's really interesting most of the time. I like this field. And actually the best is that as we're so few in our department, I don't only write code, I also manage our clients, write specs, do the support, solve bugs, propose other solutions both technical and logistical, manage event time people, go on events, ... which in the end earned me my project manager title. :) that's one of my good memories about my job. I like the polyvalence of working in a small unit. And my boss is great, we really get along really well. Working with him is simply easy. We have talks all the time about what direction we should go in our projects. It's really pleasant. Today is not as great, some people are back and everyone is catching up on everything, and it's really noisy in this openspace... clearly was better last week, just 2 of us in the space. And then I'm in charge or preparing the vision, retroplanning and details of our work until the next WorldCup (2010), which I'm really happy to do. (I love planning). But when I get answers from the other departments who need our softs, on how we should do things, when they actually have no technical background and have no idea about what they're talking about, it just gets a bit on my nerves, especially when I hardly slept because of the heat (before today's storms...). So just a bit nervous. Actually I know it'll calm down by tomorrow, so I'll take time to write back tomorrow. I mean we need their feedbacks on what they expect from us for improving what they use. But they usually answer us not with their needs but by telling us how we should work... I can't get it, why they can't answer their needs simply. Well just like any clients trying to write specs, I see it from trying to decide what I want for the works on my appartment, but still I don't tell the guys doing the plumbing, electricity and all how they're supposed to work... anyway.
I'm happy btw at the new look of my blog. It's not finished but I like it, I just don't know if I should change the font of the posts to smaller or enlarge the center part, cuz it seems small when I write long posts like that.
And I can't wait to get my appartment and internet actually in September. My boyfriend's connection is down and he decided to change provider so now it's taking ages, so I can't just borrow his MMORPG account and play, and so he's playing LOTRO at a friend's place who's on holidays. But I know before September he'll have his own connection back and he wants to play more, and that'll be even worse with the release of Age of Conan. So we almost started an argument over the time we'd have left to see each other. When actually I'm just jalous I can't play LOTRO now and that when I'll get my connection my character's level is so low that I won't be able to play with them, except by restarting from scratch when Conan is released. But I liked LOTRO...

Yeah my geekette :p
Next step in your new flat, you will access to Internet and get your personnal account for LOTRO ^_^
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